Welcome to our weekly dose of linguistic delight! Get ready to sprinkle some Irish charm into your vocabulary with our Word/Phrase of the Week! Each week, we’ll unveil a hidden gem from the rich tapestry of Irish slang, sayings, and dialect. Whether you’re planning your next trip to the Emerald Isle or just looking to add a touch of Celtic flair to your conversations, join us on this linguistic adventure as we unravel the magic of Ireland one word at a time. Sláinte! 🍀
I will, yeah
informal expression – sarcasm – Irish slang
Definition: This is where you’ll notice the Irish sarcasm coming through. “I will, yeah” means “I definitely will not.”
For example, in response to the question “Can you make me a sandwich?” you can expect the reply “I will, yeah.”
#WordOfTheWeek #CaraGroupTravel #IrishCharm #discoverireland #grouptravel #travel #beautyofireland #cgtblog #eventtravel #eventtravelers #travelireland #travelireland🍀
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