Welcome to our weekly dose of linguistic delight! Get ready to sprinkle some Irish charm into your vocabulary with our Word/Phrase of the Week! Each week, we’ll unveil a hidden gem from the rich tapestry of Irish slang, sayings, and dialect. Whether you’re planning your next trip to the Emerald Isle or just looking to add a touch of Celtic flair to your conversations, join us on this linguistic adventure as we unravel the magic of Ireland one word at a time. Sláinte! 🍀
[YOHK] noun
Definition: Used as a versatile term to refer to any object or thing, similar to “thing” or “stuff” in English. Specifically use for something you can’t remember the name for. Like the word “thingamajig” or “whatchamacallit”.
“Hey, pass me that yoke over there, the one with the blue handle.”
#WordOfTheWeek #CaraGroupTravel #IrishCharm #discoverireland #grouptravel #travel #beautyofireland #cgtblog #eventtravel #eventtravelers #travelireland #travelireland🍀
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