Cara Group Travel is proud to support the Ukrainian Hockey Dream game between Dnipro Kherson and the Stena Line belfastgiants  as part of the Hockey Cant Stop Tour at the SSE Arena Belfast April 19th As a partner of the Belfast Giants and the friendship four for the past seven years we are honored to support a cause that utilizes sport as a medium to unite cultures together Proceeds from this event will be donated to the ua hockeydream a foundation focused on providing Ukrainian hockey players and staff with safety equipment and arena restoration

Cara Group Travel is proud to support the Ukrainian Hockey Dream game between Dnipro Kherson and the Stena Line @belfastgiants as part of the ‘Hockey Can’t Stop Tour’ at the SSE Arena Belfast, April 19th. As a partner of the Belfast Giants and the @friendship_four for the past seven years, we are honored to support a cause that utilizes sport as a medium to unite cultures together. Proceeds from this event will be donated to the @ua_hockeydream, a foundation focused on providing Ukrainian hockey players and staff with safety, equipment and arena restoration. #caragrouptravel #hockeyisforeveryone #ssearena

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